26 dic 2010

How to tell if someone likes you.

Step 1: Look for mirroring
Chat them up so you can observe their movements. If they begin to mimic you without even realizing it, they definitely like you. Now you just have to figure out if they like-like you.

If their feet point toward you even when their attention is elsewhere, the answer is probably yes.

Step 2: Read their palms
Look at their palms. If they’re face up, their subconscious is telling you they’re “open” to a relationship.

Step 3: Gaze into their eyes
Gaze into their eyes. When people are physically attracted to someone, their pupils dilate, or become bigger.

Step 4: Look for the Shy Di smile
Be on the lookout for the smile that earned the late Princess Diana the nickname Shy Di — eyes peeking up as the forehead is bowed. This is an unconscious gesture of flirting.

If they smile at you, check out the corners of their eyes. A genuine smile will cause crinkling; a polite smile won’t.

Step 5: Watch their shoulders
Watch their shoulders. Lifting both shoulders up is an automatic muscular reaction when a person meets someone they find attractive.

3 dic 2010

Blood, it's not funny

Anyone who has ever tried to learn a new language must feel sympathy for this young learner of English. He is making such an effort to produce the language accurately but can’t comprehend why his efforts to communicate are being met with laughter.

Human beings are fascinated by other human beings and the video-sharing phenomenon lets us into the lives of everyday people all over the world. Language teachers can make use of such clips for more serious purposes such as the study of authentic language in use and linguistic and cultural diversity.