30 ene 2011

Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan Feelings

t's good to talk about teenagers problems and feelings. The vocabulary is different and useful for secondary students.

iT's: The video on the left is with on-screen lyrics. Follow the link below to see the music video eith the song performed by Simple Plan.

Loudon Wainwright - I'm Alright (past simple)

I use this song for students at upper intermediate level to review / reintroduce past simple, and also a cultural thing - you can use it to talk about the blues and what they're typically like, and how this song has a humorous take on that.

2 ene 2011

The Social Network

Watch the trailer and fill in the gaps with the missing words.

I need to do something substantial in order to get the attention of the ___________ (students / clubs)
because they are exclusive and ___________ (fun / great) and then we took a better life

People wanna go on the ___________ (internet / websites) and check out their friends, so I wanna build a ___________ (world / website) that offers that friends pictures, profiles ...
I’m talking about, taking the entire social ___________ (experiment / experience) of college and putting it online.

The site got 22 ___________ (thousand / hundred) hits within two hours
22 thousand

This idea is potentially worth millions of ___________ , millions?

You stole a website
They are saying, we stole the ___________
I know what they’ve said
so did we ?

A million dollars isn’t cool , you know it’s cool?
A ___________ (million / billion) dollars

You are going to get left ___________ (between / behind)
It’s moving ___________ (faster / fatter) than any of us ever imagined
What do you mean get left behind?

Sue him in ___________ (federal / tribunal) court

I can’t wait to stand over your ___________ (back / shoulder) when your rights are checked

You guys were the ___________ (creators / inventors) of facebook? you haven’t done the facebook

Is there anything that you need to tell me

Your ___________ (action / words) it’s gonna permanently destroy everything I’ve been working on
We have been working on

Do you like being a joker? Do you like to go ___________ (back / where) to that? Mark!

This is our time

You’re being accused of intentionally bridge ___________ (security / insecurity), violating copyrights , violating individual privacy

Your best friend is suing you for six hundred million dollars

As for the charges I believe I deserve some recognition from this board

I’m ___________ (afraid / sorry)


I don’t ___________ (know / understand)
which part ?