30 mar 2011

present continuous Frozen Grand Central

1. Complete the words in the text of what the man says at the beginning of the video:

‘All right. Thanks for coming out, everybody. I’m really excited that all you (1) ________ are here. We’ve got a really exciting (2) ________ that we’re going to be doing today. We’re going to be (3) ________ in place (4) ________ at the exact second. We’re going (5) ________ that for five minutes and then we’re going to unfreeze and we’re out.’

2. Choose the correct option.

1 The pre-mission meeting takes place in Bryant / Central Park.
2 107 / 207 undercover agents take part in the mission.
3 The mission starts at 14.30 / 16.30.
4 The man driving the yellow vehicle is / isn’t an agent.
5 One person thinks it’s an acting class / a TV show.
6 At the end of the mission people start clapping / protesting.

3. Watch the video again and note down some of the activities frozen people are doing. Example: someone is talking on the phone, a couple is holding hands.

1. 1 guys 2 mission 3 freezing 4 on cue 5 to hold
2. 1 Bryant 2 207 3 14:30 4 isn’t 5 an acting class 6 clapping
3. Suggestions: [someone is / people are] drinking a coffee; eating a banana / a yoghurt or ice cream; holding a bottle of water / a cup / holding hands; looking at a map / a train timetable / his/her watch; picking up papers; talking on the phone / to someone; tying his/her shoelaces

going to vs will Mr Bean

Will vs going to

What is Mr Bean going to do?
What will the other car’s reaction be?

What is the man going to say?
What will Mr Bean's answer be?

What’s Mr Bean going to do?
What will the man’s reaction be?

What’s Mr Bean going to do?
What will the man’s reaction be?

What is the teacher going to say?
How will the students react?

What is Mr Bean going to do after reading the questions?

What is Mr Bean going to do now?
What will the man's reaction be?

What is the man going to do now?
What will Mr Bean’s reaction be?

What is Mr Bean going to do?
What will the reaction be?

What is Mr Bean going to do?
Will it work?

What is the teacher going to say?
What will Mr Bean’s reaction be?

Going to

-I wanna stop (1) ______ . / -Did you see what she was wearing? / -I know!
This year, I'm gonna join a (2) ______ gang.
This year, I'm gonna control my (3) ______ .
I'm gonna stop (4) _____ six dollars on a cup of coffee.
I'm gonna control my (5) _____.
What are you doing? Can't you see I'm trying to (6) _____ here?
I wanna find that special (7) ______. How you doing?
This year, I'm gonna (8) ______ my parents more.
This year, I wanna get rid of this pot (9) ______!
I wanna care more about the (10) ______.
I wanna be a better (11) ______.
This year, I'm gonna be my own (12) ______.
I'm gonna tithe 10% of my gross (13) ______.
This year, I will pay off all my (14) ______.
I'm gonna go back to school and get my (15) ______.
I wanna (16) ______ a marathon.
I wanna (17) ______ smoking.
This year, I'll control my road (18) ______.
-I wanna have a daily (19) ______ time. / -"What's your resolution?" -Okay, maybe a monthly (19) ______ time.