30 mar 2011

present continuous Frozen Grand Central

1. Complete the words in the text of what the man says at the beginning of the video:

‘All right. Thanks for coming out, everybody. I’m really excited that all you (1) ________ are here. We’ve got a really exciting (2) ________ that we’re going to be doing today. We’re going to be (3) ________ in place (4) ________ at the exact second. We’re going (5) ________ that for five minutes and then we’re going to unfreeze and we’re out.’

2. Choose the correct option.

1 The pre-mission meeting takes place in Bryant / Central Park.
2 107 / 207 undercover agents take part in the mission.
3 The mission starts at 14.30 / 16.30.
4 The man driving the yellow vehicle is / isn’t an agent.
5 One person thinks it’s an acting class / a TV show.
6 At the end of the mission people start clapping / protesting.

3. Watch the video again and note down some of the activities frozen people are doing. Example: someone is talking on the phone, a couple is holding hands.

1. 1 guys 2 mission 3 freezing 4 on cue 5 to hold
2. 1 Bryant 2 207 3 14:30 4 isn’t 5 an acting class 6 clapping
3. Suggestions: [someone is / people are] drinking a coffee; eating a banana / a yoghurt or ice cream; holding a bottle of water / a cup / holding hands; looking at a map / a train timetable / his/her watch; picking up papers; talking on the phone / to someone; tying his/her shoelaces

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