29 sept 2010

It's a small world John saying hello and good-bye

who do you think John is talking to:

a host
a couple
an old friend
unknown person
someone he likes
a surprise

Watch the video again, and complete the blanks in sentences 1-9 with the speaker's words.

1 I really should be ...
2 Let’s keep in ...
3 You’ve got my ...
4 Call me. Text me. Email me...
5 I’m late for an ...
6 We must meet ...
7 OK. I’m out of ...
8 I’ve really enjoyed ...
9 I’ve had a fantastic ...

What phrases would you use to say good-bye in the following situations?

1 You’re talking to someone on the phone. The doorbell rings.
2 You’re at a party and need to catch the last train home.
3 It’s the end of a job interview.

Get together with a friend or classmate and tell each other about some occasions in your life when you have had to say good-bye

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