29 sept 2010

Love of learning (teaching)

Watch this beautiful video which pays a tribute to those who really want to learn and their teachers. Then complete the gaps in the text below with only one word. All the missing words are verbs, and all of them except one are regular verbs

They (1) … us when we were right, (2) … us when we were wrong, and (3) … us when we didn’t know the difference.

They were tough when they had to be, fun when they (4) … to be, fair when they ought to be, and compassionate when they (5) … to be.

Sure, they (6) … us I before E except after C, A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y, and who, what, where, when, why and how.

But they also (7) … us that we could do anything, and they (8) … it.

Every good thing in the world, every song, every invention, every accord, every cure, every word exists because at some point, someone (9) … to teach and someone else (10) … to learn.

Here’s to the love of learning and all those who choose to embrace it

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