12 ago 2010


The number game

Here is an activity for teaching numbers between 1 and 25 to beginners. In the activity, students predict the number of bricks that the man in the following video clip can carry on his head:


1.Tell students to close their eyes while you start the clip and then switch to full-screen mode. In full-screen mode, titles are not displayed.
2.Download the clip and give it a new name. Click here for more information.
For this activity, you will also need to prepare some flashcards - one for each number between one and twenty-five. Lay them face up on a table like this:


1.Show your students the very first frame of the video clip (i.e. the starting image). Students should see a stationary picture in which the man on the right is carrying two bricks on his head.
2.Ask your students if they can guess where in the world the men are (Answer: Bangladesh).
3.If necessary, teach the words brick and carry and point out that the man on the left is carrying two bricks on his head. 4.On the board, write and drill the following question: How many bricks can the man carry on his head?
5.Students now take it in turn to choose a number flashcard from the table which corresponds with their guess. Don’t just let them pick up one card each - let them take it in turn to pick up cards until there are none left. So, for example, if you have five students in the class, they will all end up with five cards.
6.During this phase, students will have to work out the language - for example, that twenty-five refers to the number 25. There shouldn’t be much trouble with - false beginners will often be able to recognise these numbers. Encourage peer teaching whenever possible.
7.Each time a student picks up a card, ask him or her to say the number before drilling the whole class: [Student’s name] thinks the man can carry x cards on his head.
8.When all of the cards have been picked up*, play the clip and get students to count as the man puts bricks on his head.
* Of course, everyone knows that the man is already carrying 2 bricks on his head. Don’t insist that students pick up the very low numbers - these can be left on the table.

How many times does the hamster go round with the wheel after he loses control?

Sesame Street

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