12 ago 2010

The train tunnel joke (part 1)

Language level: Pre-intermediate (A2) +
•Learner type: Young learners; Teens; Adults
•Time: 30 minutes
•Main activity: Writing
•Topic: Jokes
•Language: Verbs of thought (e.g. wonder, wish, hope)
•Materials: Video clip; Worksheet


Lesson plan

There are four people in a carriage train: an attractive girl, an older woman, a young soldier and a colonel.

The attractive girl is reading a book. The older woman is knitting. The colonel is reading a newspaper. The soldier is looking out the window, lost in thought. The train goes into a tunnel and the carriage becomes completely dark.

1. Play the video clip from the beginning and pause it at 1.45 (after the train has come out of the tunnel)

2. Ask students if they can guess what happened. who kissed who?

3. Put students into pairs or small groups and give out copies of thought bubbles.Students decide what each passenger is thinking and write it in bubbles.

Language support:

*I wonder...
*I wish (that) I had...
*I hope (that)...
*I regret ( + ing form of verb)
*I can't believe (that)...

4. Ask a spokenperson from each group to report what they wrote about the old woman.

5. Continue the clip until 2.10 and find out what the woman is thinking.

6. Now ask a spokenperson from each group what the young girl is thinking and so on.

Woman: 1.45 - 2.10 : "You've got a good slap. kissing a young girl deserves a slap. if you had kissed me, you wouldn't have been slapped."

Girl: 2.10 - 2.26: "Dumb asses! I am sitting here, and you kiss an old lady! You guys must be blind. You deserved to be slapped."

Colonel: 2.26 - 2.46: "See, for God's sake! Filthy stink! This trash does the kissing, and I get the slap.

Soldier: 2.46 - end: "What a feeling. Kissing the palm of your hand, slapping colonel across the face."

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